01. What Is 1 Journey?

1Journey is a virtual education management software where students, teachers, guidance counsellors, and parents can go and see in real-time the progress a student has made and build a cohesive plan to achieve the stated goal, that being admitted to a college of choice.” We engage with students, parents, guidance counsellors, teachers, and tutors via our digital platform to create a future road map, identify gaps, and fill them with AI-informed materials.

02. How Can 1Journey Help Students?

A student’s life is like a rollercoaster; one day, they are at the top of their game, and the next day, they fall from the sky. 1Journey’s job is to keep the student on track and make their educational journey stress-free and fun – become the best buddy they will ever need in high school. 1Journey becomes a one-stop shop for all their educational needs, be it help with homework tutor online, school projects, music lessons, practicing a new foreign language or learning a new concept in algebra. 1Journey connects the dots and identifies the missing links that can prevent a student from entering a college of choice.Many free tutoring websites are available online. What 1Journey does for you is straightforward; it keeps you on track and gives you the information you need to complete your studies. With an eye on the future, we can recommend books to help students envision their future in a particular subject or discipline.

03. How Can 1Journey Help Teachers?

Teachers have the most access to a student’s mind; they see what others don’t. But teachers also need help since their workload makes reaching out to each student impossible. This is where 1Journey comes in. It does not fill the teacher’s role in helping students learn, but it does provide a head start to a student. A teacher needs to identify the area of weakness and let our virtual education software help the student.

04. How Can 1Journey Help Guidance Counselors?

Guidance counsellors are the most overworked people in a school. They must deal with well over 50 students in a school year. It is not easy to give equal amounts of time to everyone, 1Journey builds a one to one tutoring online for each student, identifies their individual needs, and allocates time to students needing the most help. Things being digital, students’ availability and calendar appointments are automatically updated and seamlessly integrated with their school activities.

05. What Is 1 Parents?

Parental engagement is an important link in this chain; they are kept in the loop with regular updates about their student’s educational journey. When a student deviates from the path, parental intervention is started, a process that the guidance counsellors and teachers initiate. Research has shown that parental involvement motivates students to perform better, participate more in learning activities, and improve grades. 1Journey helps parents build a financial plan for college education and look for appropriate student loans and scholarships. College affordability is becoming a challenge for lower middle-income groups, and our mission is to help them get the financial assistance a student would need.

06. Can You Learn On Your Own?

With 1Journey, yes, you can. We will bring you help from best online tutoring companies, be it in the shape of a tutor, an article, a YouTube video, and a tutorial, 1Journey will be there with you as your learning buddy.

07. How Is 1Journey Different?

We are here to help students in underserved school districts. Our mission is to bring these students to par with students from affluent school districts. It does not fill the teacher’s role in helping students learn, but it does provide a head start to a student. We use data science as a tool, we connect the dots, and our mission is to build equality so that every student has an equal opportunity to pursue their educational dreams.

08. Who Runs 1 Journey

The core team consists of educators and professors from MIT; other team members are graduates from MIT’s Sloan School of Management or other Ivy League schools.


At 1Journey, we aim to empower high-school students through new artificial intelligence technologies and virtual education software.


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